S&OP Maturity

Reference : https://www.supplychainbrief.com/frs/8148494/real-time-analytics-for-your-s-op-meetings-/download

Stage 1: React - at this stage S&OP is seen as a site supply planning process.

Executive leaders are usually disconnected from the process. Spreadsheets

and in-house systems commonly used. "Multiple versions

of the truth limit the organization's ability to extract end-to-end or

cross-functional business intelligence."

Stage 2: Anticipate - S&OP is typically used to develop a supply-centric

plan based on sales forecasts. Financial plans are independently developed

and compared. ERP is the primary support system despite lacking

demand/supply planning capability. Spreadsheets are heavily relied on

for volume-based demand/supply balancing and what-if scenario analyses.

Stage 3: Integrate - at this stage demand plans are more refined using

insight from end customers and translated into a plan that is later compared.

"Gap closure decision-making responsibility is at the profit and loss (P&L) level,

as in business, rather than at a functional level." Some BI capabilities typically

used, but spreadsheets are still heavily relied on for scenario analyses.

Stage 4: Collaborate - at this stage, the goal is creating a demand-driven,

profitable supply response across the extended supply chain, taking internal

and external (partner) data into account, to meet revenue projections.

Stage 5: Orchestrate - S&OP is fully driven by business strategy and

aims to reach horizontally and vertically aligned and synchronized

decisions across the network to create value. Advanced analytics is

necessary to support multiple time horizons and granularity, as well

as enhance decision-making

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