Ai and humans: Planning supply chains together

인공지능의 시대가 되었습니다.  AI는 공급망 계획에 어떤 영향을 미치게 될까요? 인공지능과 첨단기술들이 세계를 지배하게 되면서 인간은 신기술 무대의 배경으로 밀려나게 될까요?

어쩌면 그렇게 될지도 모릅니다. 아니면 다른 모습으로 전개될 수도 있지 않을까요?

주문형 웹 세미나를 통해 더 많은 것을 배우십시오.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay. How will it impact supply chain planning? Will humans be swept to the curb while AI and other technologies take over the world?

Yes, no, maybe?

Tune into our on-demand webinar to learn more.

Doug Henschen, VP and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research
Harish Iyer, VP, Industry & Solutions Marketing, Kinaxis 

Demming PDCA Cycles

PDCA cycles enable to improve and innovate your business processes continuously and make it possible to create business scenarios, compare them and choose the best one.

PDCA 반복 사이클을 통해서 기업의 업무 프로세스를 지속적으로 개선하거나 혁신할 수 있으며, 의사결정을 위해 정교하게 정의된 시나리오들을 비교 검토함으로써 최선의 의사결정을 가능하게한다.

Kinaxis가 글로벌 제약 회사의 기술운영 혁신 가속화를 위해 선정되었다. 글로벌 의약품 회사인 노바티스(Novartis)는 엔드-투-엔드 가시성, 보다 빠른 대응력 및 양질의 의사 결정을 실현하기 위해 RapidResponse를 선정했다고 밝혔다.

실시간 공급계획 기능을 제공하는 디지털 공급체인관리 분야의 선두 업체인 Kinaxis® (TSX : KXS)는 스위스 기반의 제약 회사  노바티스(Novartis AG)가 Kinaxis RapidResponse®를 자사의 글로벌 TechOps 조직을위한 차세대 공급망계획 시스템으로 채택했으며, 이는 광범위한 공급망 혁신 전략의 일환으로 추진되고 있다고 밝혔다.

노바티스 제품은 수천 개의 공급 업체를 포함하고 전세계 대부분의 국가와 연결된 공급망을 통해 매년 전 세계적으로 10억 명의 고객들에게 서비스를 제공한 한다. 노바티스는 Kinaxis를 사용하여 엔드-투-엔드 공급망의 가시성을 확보하고 변화하는 시장 요구에 보다 신속하게 대응하며 재고 관리를 개선하고 비용을 절감하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 이후에는 노바티스의 모든 부서에서 계획 표준화를 추진하고 고급 분석 기능을 사용하여 비즈니스 계획의 복잡성을 체계적으로 관리하게 된다.

S&OP Maturity

Reference :

Stage 1: React - at this stage S&OP is seen as a site supply planning process.

Executive leaders are usually disconnected from the process. Spreadsheets

and in-house systems commonly used. "Multiple versions

of the truth limit the organization's ability to extract end-to-end or

cross-functional business intelligence."

Stage 2: Anticipate - S&OP is typically used to develop a supply-centric

plan based on sales forecasts. Financial plans are independently developed

and compared. ERP is the primary support system despite lacking

demand/supply planning capability. Spreadsheets are heavily relied on

for volume-based demand/supply balancing and what-if scenario analyses.

Stage 3: Integrate - at this stage demand plans are more refined using

insight from end customers and translated into a plan that is later compared.

"Gap closure decision-making responsibility is at the profit and loss (P&L) level,

as in business, rather than at a functional level." Some BI capabilities typically

used, but spreadsheets are still heavily relied on for scenario analyses.

Stage 4: Collaborate - at this stage, the goal is creating a demand-driven,

profitable supply response across the extended supply chain, taking internal

and external (partner) data into account, to meet revenue projections.

Stage 5: Orchestrate - S&OP is fully driven by business strategy and

aims to reach horizontally and vertically aligned and synchronized

decisions across the network to create value. Advanced analytics is

necessary to support multiple time horizons and granularity, as well

as enhance decision-making

Reference: SCM World, December 2016

Future business leaders will look back at 2016 as the end of an era.

Both a disruption and a massive opportunity, digitisation, value chain collaboration and a greater need for real-time decision-making are coalescing as a disruptive catalyst to end a roughly five-year stagnation in supply chain planning. This confluence of

factors demands innovation.

This report shares the quantitative perspective of five years of SCM World Future of Supply Chain research in which over 1,000 responses from cross-industry supply chain executives have been captured each year. We have matched this survey data with the most innovative strategy and planning case examples from our community across 2015 and 2016.

Note the tension between the challenge and opportunity as echoed in recent years of our Future of Supply Chain research.

  • In 2015, a third still call S&OP ‘a necessary evil’. Less than half (42%) say their supporting technology is effective and impactful.

  • Digital technologies have increased in identified disruption and importance by an average of over 20 percentage points between 2014 and 2016. Most notably, cloud has jumped from 33% in 2014 to 58% in 2016.

  • Data security is the top risk for 2016 with 30% rating their organizations as ‘very concerned’. 

We expect that many will be caught off-guard by the speed of change from 2017 to 2020. The actions of several first movers and early adopters in our community have shown a light on a path forward: the future of planning is concurrency.

Concurrency is the ability of many people to simultaneously and seamlessly scenario plan across multiple time horizons on one unifying system. It is being powered by the recognition that all levels of the hierarchy and every individual has a role in both short-term and long-term planning.

While a simple concept, concurrency is a result of three capabilities.

  1. Simulation: the representation of the behavior or characteristics of one system through the use of another system, especially a computer program designed for the purpose.

  2. On-demand historian: the ability to return back to previous decisions in the exact environment in which they were made.

  3. Democratised decision-making: the ability for multiple parties in different organizationsgeographies and levels of the hierarchy to test ideas and simulate different scenarios in virtual environments.

Advancements in supporting technology will allow for more distributed and more frequent simulation both of short-term and long-term scenarios. The speed in which this analysis will take place will actually consolidate horizons rather than drive them apart. As a result, S&OP – in its current form – must evolve or it will be killed off. Leading organizations are using digitization as a unifying platform to marry legacy systems with new digital disruptors to bring concurrency into reality. The change to corresponding business processes and organizational constructs will be massive.

The concluding section of this report presents a six-point action plan. We share the insights from several leaders to demonstrate how a set of practical actions taken in the near term coupled with the right, few big bets will bring the era of several outdated supply chain paradigms.

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