아마존만의 독특한 창고 관리 방식을 엿볼 수 있습니다.

The shelves look a total mess, but once you understand how it can optimize the routes of the pickers, you will see it make sense.

A lot to learn from Amazon.com: Prime Now

'SCM Q&A' 카테고리의 다른 글

Inventory Management  (0) 2018.01.18
Fill Rate  (0) 2018.01.18
Two bin inventory management system  (0) 2018.01.17
Backflushing  (0) 2017.12.23
Backflush Costing  (0) 2017.12.23

10 best practices you should be doing now

1. SCM 컨트롤 타워를 만들어라. Establish a governing supply chain council.

2. SCM 기능 조직을 전사적으로 연계하고 적정한 인재를 배치하라. Properly align and staff the supply chain organization.

3. 기술이 당신의 회사에 기여하게 만들어라. Make technology work for you.

4. 주요 공급사와 연합하라. Establish alliances with key suppliers.

5. 전략적 구매 연합에 적극 참여하라. Engage in collaborative strategic sourcing.

6. TCO에 집중할. Focus on total cost ownership(TCO), not price.

7. 공급 계약관리 기능은 SCM 기능 범위에 포함하라. Put contracts under the supply chain function.

8. 회사 소유의 재고를 최적화하라. Optimize company-owned inventory.

9. 적정 수준의 위헙을 관리하라. Establish appropriate levels of control and minimize risk.

10. 친환경 정책과 사회적 책임을 신중히 검토하라. Take "green" initiatives and social responsibility seriously.

Reference: 10 best practices you should be doing now

"Metrics That Matter: The Role of Financial Health in Supply Chain Resilience".

Reference: rapidratings.com

As global supply chains increase in complexity, companies need to balance risk and opportunity. The ability to foresee risks that can impact, and potentially disrupt, the supply chain is a necessity.
This webinar explores the most important metrics for successful supplier risk mitigation. Attend the webinar to hear from Supply Chain Insights and RapidRatings on findings from recent research on supply chain resilience.


Webinar Slides

Webinar Recording

RapidRatings Blog

How blockchain will underpin the new trust economy

Reference: computerworld.com

Link: Rise of the smart machines: How concurrent planning and AI can help you win big in supply chain planning

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